To Whom it my concern

First time user of Nano Energizer

I work as a travelling Businessman, driving a Holden Adventra V6 2006 model.
I put the Nano Energizer into the engine at 121,000 km. Unsure what result would be. At which time I was getting on average 13.5lts to 100
km around town. After a very short time I noticed the engine was quieter and seemed to feel smoother.

But the thing I want to mention is that my fuel economy increased noticeably. After about 1000 km, I could differently see that I was not using the same amount of fuel around town and on the open road.

It seems to be now averaging around 11.0ltrs to 100km now on open road and 12.4ltrs around town.

A 18% drop in fuel usage after having Nano Energizer I have just brought another pack for my son’s car and look forward to seeing if my son notices a difference.

Best Regards

Mr S Newman